Package 'nuggets'

Title: Extensible Data Pattern Searching Framework
Description: Extensible framework for subgroup discovery (Atzmueller (2015) <doi:10.1002/widm.1144>), contrast patterns (Chen (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2209.13556>), emerging patterns (Dong (1999) <doi:10.1145/312129.312191>), association rules (Agrawal (1994) <>) and conditional correlations (Hájek (1978) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-66943-9>). Both crisp (Boolean, binary) and fuzzy data are supported. It generates conditions in the form of elementary conjunctions, evaluates them on a dataset and checks the induced sub-data for interesting statistical properties. A user-defined function may be defined to evaluate on each generated condition to search for custom patterns.
Authors: Michal Burda [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michal Burda <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.5.0
Built: 2025-03-03 08:33:43 UTC

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Search for patterns of custom type



A general function for searching for patterns of custom type. The function allows for the selection of columns of x to be used as condition predicates. The function enumerates all possible conditions in the form of elementary conjunctions of selected predicates, and for each condition, a user-defined callback function f is executed. The callback function is intended to perform some analysis and return an object representing a pattern or patterns related to the condition. dig() returns a list of these returned objects.

The callback function f may have some arguments that are listed in the f argument description. The algorithm provides information about the generated condition based on the present arguments.

Additionally to condition, the function allows for the selection of the so-called focus predicates. The focus predicates, a.k.a. foci, are predicates that are evaluated within each condition and some additional information is provided to the callback function about them.

dig() allows to specify some restrictions on the generated conditions, such as:

  • the minimum and maximum length of the condition (min_length and max_length arguments).

  • the minimum support of the condition (min_support argument). Support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x.

  • the minimum support of the focus (min_focus_support argument). Support of the focus is the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates AND the focus are TRUE on it. Foci with support lower than min_focus_support are filtered out.


  condition = everything(),
  focus = NULL,
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  min_length = 0,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  min_focus_support = min_support,
  min_conditional_focus_support = 0,
  max_support = 1,
  filter_empty_foci = FALSE,
  tautology_limit = NULL,
  t_norm = "goguen",
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1L,
  error_context = list(arg_x = "x", arg_f = "f", arg_condition = "condition", arg_focus =
    "focus", arg_disjoint = "disjoint", arg_excluded = "excluded", arg_min_length =
    "min_length", arg_max_length = "max_length", arg_min_support = "min_support",
    arg_min_focus_support = "min_focus_support", arg_min_conditional_focus_support =
    "min_conditional_focus_support", arg_max_support = "max_support",
    arg_filter_empty_foci = "filter_empty_foci", arg_tautology_limit = "tautology_limit",
    arg_t_norm = "t_norm", arg_max_results = "max_results", 
     arg_verbose =
    "verbose", arg_threads = "threads", call = current_env())



a matrix or data frame. The matrix must be numeric (double) or logical. If x is a data frame then each column must be either numeric (double) or logical.


the callback function executed for each generated condition. This function may have some of the following arguments. Based on the present arguments, the algorithm would provide information about the generated condition:

  • condition - a named integer vector of column indices that represent the predicates of the condition. Names of the vector correspond to column names;

  • support - a numeric scalar value of the current condition's support;

  • indices - a logical vector indicating the rows satisfying the condition;

  • weights - (similar to indices) weights of rows to which they satisfy the current condition;

  • pp - a value of a contingency table, condition & focus. pp is a named numeric vector where each value is a support of conjunction of the condition with a foci column (see the focus argument to specify, which columns). Names of the vector are foci column names.

  • pn - a value of a contingency table, ⁠condition & neg focus⁠. pn is a named numeric vector where each value is a support of conjunction of the condition with a negated foci column (see the focus argument to specify, which columns are foci) - names of the vector are foci column names.

  • np - a value of a contingency table, ⁠neg condition & focus⁠. np is a named numeric vector where each value is a support of conjunction of the negated condition with a foci column (see the focus argument to specify, which columns are foci) - names of the vector are foci column names.

  • nn - a value of a contingency table, ⁠neg condition & neg focus⁠. nn is a named numeric vector where each value is a support of conjunction of the negated condition with a negated foci column (see the focus argument to specify, which columns are foci) - names of the vector are foci column names.

  • foci_supports - (deprecated, use pp instead) a named numeric vector of supports of foci columns (see focus argument to specify, which columns are foci) - names of the vector are foci column names.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as focus predicates


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector represents a formula in the form of implication, where the all but the last element are the antecedent and the last element is the consequent. These formulae will be treated as tautologies and will serve the purpose of filtering out the generated conditions. If the generated condition contains both the antecedent and the consequent of any of the formulae, the condition is not passed to the callback function f. Similarly, if the generated condition contains the antecedent of any of the formulae, the focus, which is the consequent of the formula, is not passed to the callback function f.


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to trigger the callback function f. The value of this argument must be greater or equal to 0. If 0, also the empty condition triggers the callback.


The maximum allowed size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition. Conditions longer than max_length are not generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates. The value of this argument must be greater or equal to 0 and also greater or equal to min_length. This argument effectively affects the speed of the search process and the number of triggered calls of the callback function f.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function f. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values. The value of this argument must be in the range [0,1][0, 1]. If the support of the condition is lower than min_support, the recursive search for conditions containing the current condition is stopped. Therefore, the value of min_support effectively affects the speed of the search process and the number of triggered calls of the callback function f.


the minimum required support of a focus, for it to be passed to the callback function f. The support of the focus is the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates AND the focus are TRUE on it. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows, for which all condition predicates AND the focus are TRUE. The numerical (double) input is treated as membership degrees to fuzzy sets and the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of a t-norm of predicate values. (The applied t-norm is selected by the t_norm argument, see below.) The value of this argument must be in the range [0,1][0, 1]. If the support of the focus is lower than min_focus_support, the focus is not passed to the callback function f. See also the filter_empty_foci argument which, together with min_focus_support, effectively affects the speed of the search process and the number of triggered calls of the callback function f.


the minimum relative support of a focus within a condition. The conditional support of the focus is the relative frequency of rows with focus being TRUE within rows where the condition is TRUE. If s(C)s(C) represents the relative frequency of the condition being TRUE within the dataset and s(CF)s(C \cup F) represents the relative frequency of the condition and the focus being both TRUE within the dataset, (computed as t-norm if the input is numerical), then the conditional support of the focus is s(CF)/s(C)s(C \cup F) / s(C). The value of this argument must be in the range [0,1][0, 1]. If the conditional support of the focus is lower than min_conditional_focus_support, the focus is not passed to the callback function f. See also the filter_empty_foci argument which, together with min_conditional_focus_support, effectively affects the speed of the search process and the number of triggered calls of the callback function f.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function f. If the support of the condition is greater than max_support, the condition is not passed to the callback function. max_support does not stop the recursive generation of conditions containing the current condition, but only the execution of the callback function. The value of this argument must be in the range [0,1][0, 1].


a logical scalar indicating whether to skip triggering the callback function f on conditions, for which no focus remains available after filtering by min_focus_support or min_conditional_focus_support. If TRUE, the callback function f is triggered only if at least one focus remains after filtering. If FALSE, the callback function f is triggered regardless of the number of remaining foci.


a numeric scalar (experimental feature)


a t-norm used to compute conjunction of weights. It must be one of "goedel" (minimum t-norm), "goguen" (product t-norm), or "lukas" (Lukasiewicz t-norm).


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


a list of details to be used in error messages. This argument is useful when dig() is called from another function to provide error messages, which refer to arguments of the calling function. The list must contain the following elements:

  • arg_x - the name of the argument x as a character string

  • arg_f - the name of the argument f as a character string

  • arg_condition - the name of the argument condition as a character string

  • arg_focus - the name of the argument focus as a character string

  • arg_disjoint - the name of the argument disjoint as a character string

  • arg_excluded - the name of the argument excluded as a character string

  • arg_min_length - the name of the argument min_length as a character string

  • arg_max_length - the name of the argument max_length as a character string

  • arg_min_support - the name of the argument min_support as a character string

  • arg_min_focus_support - the name of the argument min_focus_support as a character string

  • arg_min_conditional_focus_support - the name of the argument min_conditional_focus_support as a character string

  • arg_max_support - the name of the argument max_support as a character

  • arg_filter_empty_foci - the name of the argument filter_empty_foci as a character string

  • arg_t_norm - the name of the argument t_norm as a character string

  • arg_threads - the name of the argument threads as a character string

  • call - an environment in which to evaluate the error messages.


A list of results provided by the callback function f.


Michal Burda

See Also

partition(), var_names(), dig_grid()



# Prepare iris data for use with dig()
d <- partition(iris, .breaks = 2)

# Call f() for each condition with support >= 0.5. The result is a list
# of strings representing the conditions.
dig(x = d,
    f = function(condition) {
    min_support = 0.5)

# Create a more complex pattern object - a list with some statistics
res <- dig(x = d,
           f = function(condition, support) {
               list(condition = format_condition(names(condition)),
                    support = support)
           min_support = 0.5)

# Format the result as a data frame, lapply(res, as_tibble))

# Within each condition, evaluate also supports of columns starting with
# "Species"
res <- dig(x = d,
           f = function(condition, support, pp) {
               c(list(condition = format_condition(names(condition))),
                 list(condition_support = support),
                 as.list(pp / nrow(d)))
           condition = !starts_with("Species"),
           focus = starts_with("Species"),
           min_support = 0.5,
           min_focus_support = 0)

# Format the result as a tibble, lapply(res, as_tibble))

# For each condition, create multiple patterns based on the focus columns
res <- dig(x = d,
           f = function(condition, support, pp) {
               lapply(seq_along(pp), function(i) {
                   list(condition = format_condition(names(condition)),
                        condition_support = support,
                        focus = names(pp)[i],
                        focus_support = pp[[i]] / nrow(d))
           condition = !starts_with("Species"),
           focus = starts_with("Species"),
           min_support = 0.5,
           min_focus_support = 0)

# As res is now a list of lists, we need to flatten it before converting to
# a tibble
res <- unlist(res, recursive = FALSE)

# Format the result as a tibble, lapply(res, as_tibble))

Search for association rules



Association rules identify conditions (antecedents) under which a specific feature (consequent) is present very often.


⁠A => C⁠

If condition A is satisfied, then the feature C is present very often.


⁠university_edu & middle_age & IT_industry => high_income⁠

People in middle age with university education working in IT industry have very likely a high income.

Antecedent A is usually a set of predicates, and consequent C is a single predicate.

For the following explanations we need a mathematical function supp(I)supp(I), which is defined for a set II of predicates as a relative frequency of rows satisfying all predicates from II. For logical data, supp(I)supp(I) equals to the relative frequency of rows, for which all predicates i1,i2,,ini_1, i_2, \ldots, i_n from II are TRUE. For numerical (double) input, supp(I)supp(I) is computed as the mean (over all rows) of truth degrees of the formula ⁠i_1 AND i_2 AND ... AND i_n⁠, where AND is a triangular norm selected by the t_norm argument.

Association rules are characterized with the following quality measures.

Length of a rule is the number of elements in the antecedent.

Coverage of a rule is equal to supp(A)supp(A).

Consequent support of a rule is equal to supp({c})supp(\{c\}).

Support of a rule is equal to supp(A{c})supp(A \cup \{c\}).

Confidence of a rule is the fraction supp(A)/supp(A{c})supp(A) / supp(A \cup \{c\}).


  antecedent = everything(),
  consequent = everything(),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_coverage = 0,
  min_support = 0,
  min_confidence = 0,
  contingency_table = FALSE,
  measures = NULL,
  tautology_limit = NULL,
  t_norm = "goguen",
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1



a matrix or data frame with data to search in. The matrix must be numeric (double) or logical. If x is a data frame then each column must be either numeric (double) or logical.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use in the antecedent (left) part of the rules


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use in the consequent (right) part of the rules


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector contains the names of columns that must not appear together in a single antecedent.


the minimum length, i.e., the minimum number of predicates in the antecedent, of a rule to be generated. Value must be greater or equal to 0. If 0, rules with empty antecedent are generated in the first place.


The maximum length, i.e., the maximum number of predicates in the antecedent, of a rule to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum coverage of a rule in the dataset x. (See Description for the definition of coverage.)


the minimum support of a rule in the dataset x. (See Description for the definition of support.)


the minimum confidence of a rule in the dataset x. (See Description for the definition of confidence.)


a logical value indicating whether to provide a contingency table for each rule. If TRUE, the columns pp, pn, np, and nn are added to the output table. These columns contain the number of rows satisfying the antecedent and the consequent, the antecedent but not the consequent, the consequent but not the antecedent, and neither the antecedent nor the consequent, respectively.


a character vector specifying the additional quality measures to compute. If NULL, no additional measures are computed. Possible values are "lift", "conviction", "added_value". See for a description of the measures.


a numeric scalar (experimental feature)


a t-norm used to compute conjunction of weights. It must be one of "goedel" (minimum t-norm), "goguen" (product t-norm), or "lukas" (Lukasiewicz t-norm).


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical value indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


A tibble with found patterns and computed quality measures.


Michal Burda

See Also

partition(), var_names(), dig()


d <- partition(mtcars, .breaks = 2)
                 antecedent = !starts_with("mpg"),
                 consequent = starts_with("mpg"),
                 min_support = 0.3,
                 min_confidence = 0.8,
                 measures = c("lift", "conviction"))

Search for conditions that yield in statistically significant one-sample test in selected variables.



Baseline contrast patterns identify conditions under which a specific feature is significantly different from a given value by performing a one-sample statistical test.


var != 0 | C

Variable var is (in average) significantly different from 0 under the condition C.


⁠(measure_error != 0 | measure_tool_A ⁠

If measuring with measure tool A, the average measure error is significantly different from 0.

The baseline contrast is computed using a one-sample statistical test, which is specified by the method argument. The function computes the contrast between all variables specified by the vars argument. Baseline contrasts are computed in sub-data corresponding to conditions generated from the condition columns. Function dig_baseline_contrasts() supports crisp conditions only, i.e., the condition columns in x must be logical.


  condition = where(is.logical),
  vars = where(is.numeric),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  max_support = 1,
  method = "t",
  alternative = "two.sided",
  h0 = 0,
  conf_level = 0.95,
  max_p_value = 0.05,
  wilcox_exact = FALSE,
  wilcox_correct = TRUE,
  wilcox_tol_root = 1e-04,
  wilcox_digits_rank = Inf,
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1



a matrix or data frame with data to search the patterns in.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of contrasts


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector contains the names of columns that must not appear together in a single condition.


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated (must be greater or equal to 0). If 0, the empty condition is generated in the first place.


The maximum size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. See argument min_support for details of what is the support of a condition.


a character string indicating which contrast to compute. One of "t", for parametric, or "wilcox", for non-parametric test on equality in position.


indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of "two.sided", "greater" or "less". "greater" corresponds to positive association, "less" to negative association.


a numeric value specifying the null hypothesis for the test. For the "t" method, it is the value of the mean. For the "wilcox" method, it is the value of the median. The default value is 0.


a numeric value specifying the level of the confidence interval. The default value is 0.95.


the maximum p-value of a test for the pattern to be considered significant. If the p-value of the test is greater than max_p_value, the pattern is not included in the result.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a logical value indicating whether the exact p-value should be computed. If NULL, the exact p-value is computed for sample sizes less than 50. See wilcox.test() and its exact argument for more information. Contrary to the behavior of wilcox.test(), the default value is FALSE.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a logical value indicating whether the continuity correction should be applied in the normal approximation for the p-value, if wilcox_exact is FALSE. See wilcox.test() and its correct argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a numeric value specifying the tolerance for the root-finding algorithm used to compute the exact p-value. See wilcox.test() and its tol.root argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a numeric value specifying the number of digits to round the ranks to. See wilcox.test() and its digits.rank argument for more information.


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


A tibble with found patterns in rows. The following columns are always present:


the condition of the pattern as a character string in the form {p1 & p2 & ... & pn} where p1, p2, ..., pn are x's column names.


the support of the condition, i.e., the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x.


the name of the contrast variable.


the estimated mean or median of variable var.


the statistic of the selected test.


the p-value of the underlying test.


the number of rows in the sub-data corresponding to the condition.


the lower bound of the confidence interval of the estimate.


the upper bound of the confidence interval of the estimate.


a character string indicating the alternative hypothesis. The value must be one of "two.sided", "greater", or "less".


a character string indicating the method used for the test.


a character string with additional information about the test (mainly error messages on failure).

For the "t" method, the following additional columns are also present (see also t.test()):


the degrees of freedom of the t test.


the standard error of the mean.


Michal Burda

See Also

dig_paired_baseline_contrasts(), dig_complement_contrasts(), dig(), dig_grid(), stats::t.test(), stats::wilcox.test()

Search for conditions that provide significant differences in selected variables to the rest of the data table



Complement contrast patterns identify conditions under which there is a significant difference in some numerical variable between elements that satisfy the identified condition and the rest of the data table.


⁠(var | C) != (var | not C)⁠

There is a statistically significant difference in variable var between group of elements that satisfy condition C and a group of elements that do not satisfy condition C.


(life_expectancy | smoker) < (life_expectancy | non-smoker)

The life expectancy in people that smoke cigarettes is in average significantly lower than in people that do not smoke.

The complement contrast is computed using a two-sample statistical test, which is specified by the method argument. The function computes the complement contrast in all variables specified by the vars argument. Complement contrasts are computed based on sub-data corresponding to conditions generated from the condition columns and the rest of the data table. Function #' dig_complement_contrasts() supports crisp conditions only, i.e., the condition columns in x must be logical.


  condition = where(is.logical),
  vars = where(is.numeric),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  max_support = 1 - min_support,
  method = "t",
  alternative = "two.sided",
  h0 = if (method == "var") 1 else 0,
  conf_level = 0.95,
  max_p_value = 0.05,
  t_var_equal = FALSE,
  wilcox_exact = FALSE,
  wilcox_correct = TRUE,
  wilcox_tol_root = 1e-04,
  wilcox_digits_rank = Inf,
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1L



a matrix or data frame with data to search the patterns in.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of contrasts


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector contains the names of columns that must not appear together in a single condition.


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated (must be greater or equal to 0). If 0, the empty condition is generated in the first place.


The maximum size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. See argument min_support for details of what is the support of a condition.


a character string indicating which contrast to compute. One of "t", for parametric, or "wilcox", for non-parametric test on equality in position, and "var" for F-test on comparison of variances of two populations.


indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of "two.sided", "greater" or "less". "greater" corresponds to positive association, "less" to negative association.


a numeric value specifying the null hypothesis for the test. For the "t" method, it is the difference in means. For the "wilcox" method, it is the difference in medians. For the "var" method, it is the hypothesized ratio of the population variances. The default value is 1 for "var" method, and 0 otherwise.


a numeric value specifying the level of the confidence interval. The default value is 0.95.


the maximum p-value of a test for the pattern to be considered significant. If the p-value of the test is greater than max_p_value, the pattern is not included in the result.


(used for the "t" method only) a logical value indicating whether the variances of the two samples are assumed to be equal. If TRUE, the pooled variance is used to estimate the variance in the t-test. If FALSE, the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation to the degrees of freedom is used. See t.test() and its var.equal argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a logical value indicating whether the exact p-value should be computed. If NULL, the exact p-value is computed for sample sizes less than 50. See wilcox.test() and its exact argument for more information. Contrary to the behavior of wilcox.test(), the default value is FALSE.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a logical value indicating whether the continuity correction should be applied in the normal approximation for the p-value, if wilcox_exact is FALSE. See wilcox.test() and its correct argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a numeric value specifying the tolerance for the root-finding algorithm used to compute the exact p-value. See wilcox.test() and its tol.root argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a numeric value specifying the number of digits to round the ranks to. See wilcox.test() and its digits.rank argument for more information.


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


A tibble with found patterns in rows. The following columns are always present:


the condition of the pattern as a character string in the form {p1 & p2 & ... & pn} where p1, p2, ..., pn are x's column names.


the support of the condition, i.e., the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x.


the name of the contrast variable.


the estimate value (see the underlying test.


the statistic of the selected test.


the p-value of the underlying test.


the number of rows in the sub-data corresponding to the condition.


the number of rows in the sub-data corresponding to the negation of the condition.


the lower bound of the confidence interval of the estimate.


the upper bound of the confidence interval of the estimate.


a character string indicating the alternative hypothesis. The value must be one of "two.sided", "greater", or "less".


a character string indicating the method used for the test.


a character string with additional information about the test (mainly error messages on failure).

For the "t" method, the following additional columns are also present (see also t.test()):


the degrees of freedom of the t test.


the standard error of the mean difference.


Michal Burda

See Also

dig_baseline_contrasts(), dig_paired_baseline_contrasts(), dig(), dig_grid(), stats::t.test(), stats::wilcox.test(), stats::var.test()

Search for conditional correlations



Conditional correlations are patterns that identify strong relationships between pairs of numeric variables under specific conditions.


xvar ~ yvar | C

xvar and yvar highly correlates in data that satisfy the condition C.


study_time ~ test_score | hard_exam

For hard exams, the amount of study time is highly correlated with the obtained exam's test score.

The function computes correlations between all combinations of xvars and yvars columns of x in multiple sub-data corresponding to conditions generated from condition columns.


  condition = where(is.logical),
  xvars = where(is.numeric),
  yvars = where(is.numeric),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  method = "pearson",
  alternative = "two.sided",
  exact = NULL,
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  max_support = 1,
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1



a matrix or data frame with data to search in.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of correlations


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of correlations


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector contains the names of columns that must not appear together in a single condition.


a character string indicating which correlation coefficient is to be used for the test. One of "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman"


indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of "two.sided", "greater" or "less". "greater" corresponds to positive association, "less" to negative association.


a logical indicating whether an exact p-value should be computed. Used for Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho. See stats::cor.test() for more information.


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated (must be greater or equal to 0). If 0, the empty condition is generated in the first place.


The maximum size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. See argument min_support for details of what is the support of a condition.


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


A tibble with found patterns.


Michal Burda

See Also

dig(), stats::cor.test()


# convert iris$Species into dummy logical variables
d <- partition(iris, Species)

# find conditional correlations between all pairs of numeric variables
                 condition = where(is.logical),
                 xvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width,
                 yvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width)

# With `condition = NULL`, dig_correlations() computes correlations between
# all pairs of numeric variables on the whole dataset only, which is an
# alternative way of computing the correlation matrix
                 condition = NULL,
                 xvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width,
                 yvars = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width)

Search for grid-based rules



This function creates a grid column names specified by xvars and yvars (see var_grid()). After that, it enumerates all conditions created from data in x (by calling dig()) and for each such condition and for each row of the grid of combinations, a user-defined function f is executed on each sub-data created from x by selecting all rows of x that satisfy the generated condition and by selecting the columns in the grid's row.

Function is useful for searching for patterns that are based on the relationships between pairs of columns, such as in dig_correlations().


  condition = where(is.logical),
  xvars = where(is.numeric),
  yvars = where(is.numeric),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  allow = "all",
  na_rm = FALSE,
  type = "crisp",
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  max_support = 1,
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1L,
  error_context = list(arg_x = "x", arg_f = "f", arg_condition = "condition", arg_xvars =
    "xvars", arg_yvars = "yvars", arg_disjoint = "disjoint", arg_excluded = "excluded",
    arg_allow = "allow", arg_na_rm = "na_rm", arg_type = "type", arg_min_length =
    "min_length", arg_max_length = "max_length", arg_min_support = "min_support",
    arg_max_support = "max_support", arg_max_results = "max_results", arg_verbose =
    "verbose", arg_threads = "threads", call = current_env())



a matrix or data frame with data to search in.


the callback function to be executed for each generated condition. The arguments of the callback function differ based on the value of the type argument (see below):

  • If type = "crisp" (that is, boolean), the callback function f must accept a single argument pd of type data.frame with single (if yvars == NULL) or two (if yvars != NULL) columns, accessible as pd[[1]] and pd[[2]]. Data frame pd is a subset of the original data frame x with all rows that satisfy the generated condition. Optionally, the callback function may accept an argument nd that is a subset of the original data frame x with all rows that do not satisfy the generated condition.

  • If type = "fuzzy", the callback function f must accept an argument d of type data.frame with single (if yvars == NULL) or two (if yvars != NULL) columns, accessible as d[[1]] and d[[2]], and a numeric argument weights with the same length as the number of rows in d. The weights argument contains the truth degree of the generated condition for each row of d. The truth degree is a number in the interval [0,1][0, 1] that represents the degree of satisfaction of the condition in the original data row.

In all cases, the function must return a list of scalar values, which will be converted into a single row of result of final tibble.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates. The selected columns must be logical or numeric. If numeric, fuzzy conditions are considered.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns of x, whose names will be used as a domain for combinations use at the first place (xvar)


NULL or a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns of x, whose names will be used as a domain for combinations use at the second place (yvar)


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector contains the names of columns that must not appear together in a single condition.


a character string specifying which columns are allowed to be selected by xvars and yvars arguments. Possible values are:

  • "all" - all columns are allowed to be selected

  • "numeric" - only numeric columns are allowed to be selected


a logical value indicating whether to remove rows with missing values from sub-data before the callback function f is called


a character string specifying the type of conditions to be processed. The "crisp" type accepts only logical columns as condition predicates. The "fuzzy" type accepts both logical and numeric columns as condition predicates where numeric data are in the interval [0,1][0, 1]. The callback function f differs based on the value of the type argument (see the description of f above).


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated (must be greater or equal to 0). If 0, the empty condition is generated in the first place.


the maximum size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. See argument min_support for details of what is the support of a condition.


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


a list of details to be used in error messages. This argument is useful when dig_grid() is called from another function to provide error messages, which refer to arguments of the calling function. The list must contain the following elements:

  • arg_x - the name of the argument x as a character string

  • arg_condition - the name of the argument condition as a character string

  • arg_xvars - the name of the argument xvars as a character string

  • arg_yvars - the name of the argument yvars as a character string

  • call - an environment in which to evaluate the error messages.


A tibble with found patterns. Each row represents a single call of the callback function f.


Michal Burda

See Also

dig(), var_grid(); see also dig_correlations() and dig_paired_baseline_contrasts(), as they are using this function internally.


# *** Example of crisp (boolean) patterns:
# dichotomize iris$Species
crispIris <- partition(iris, Species)

# a simple callback function that computes mean difference of `xvar` and `yvar`
f <- function(pd) {
    list(m = mean(pd[[1]] - pd[[2]]),
         n = nrow(pd))

# call f() for each condition created from column `Species`
         condition = starts_with("Species"),
         xvars = starts_with("Sepal"),
         yvars = starts_with("Petal"),
         type = "crisp")

# *** Example of fuzzy patterns:
# create fuzzy sets from Sepal columns
fuzzyIris <- partition(iris,
                       .method = "triangle",
                       .breaks = 3)

# a simple callback function that computes a weighted mean of a difference of
# `xvar` and `yvar`
f <- function(d, weights) {
    list(m = weighted.mean(d[[1]] - d[[2]], w = weights),
         w = sum(weights))

# call f() for each fuzzy condition created from column fuzzy sets whose
# names start with "Sepal"
         condition = starts_with("Sepal"),
         xvars = Petal.Length,
         yvars = Petal.Width,
         type = "fuzzy")

Search for conditions that provide significant differences between paired variables



Paired baseline contrast patterns identify conditions under which there is a significant difference in some statistical feature between two paired numeric variables.


(xvar - yvar) != 0 | C

There is a statistically significant difference between paired variables xvar and yvar under the condition C.


(daily_ice_cream_income - daily_tea_income) > 0 | sunny

Under the condition of sunny weather, the paired test shows that daily ice-cream income is significantly higher than the daily tea income.

The paired baseline contrast is computed using a paired version of a statistical test, which is specified by the method argument. The function computes the paired contrast between all pairs of variables, where the first variable is specified by the xvars argument and the second variable is specified by the yvars argument. Paired baseline contrasts are computed in sub-data corresponding to conditions generated from the condition columns. Function dig_paired_baseline_contrasts() supports crisp conditions only, i.e., the condition columns in x must be logical.


  condition = where(is.logical),
  xvars = where(is.numeric),
  yvars = where(is.numeric),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  max_support = 1,
  method = "t",
  alternative = "two.sided",
  h0 = 0,
  conf_level = 0.95,
  max_p_value = 1,
  t_var_equal = FALSE,
  wilcox_exact = FALSE,
  wilcox_correct = TRUE,
  wilcox_tol_root = 1e-04,
  wilcox_digits_rank = Inf,
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1



a matrix or data frame with data to search the patterns in.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of contrasts


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use for computation of contrasts


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector contains the names of columns that must not appear together in a single condition.


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated (must be greater or equal to 0). If 0, the empty condition is generated in the first place.


The maximum size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. See argument min_support for details of what is the support of a condition.


a character string indicating which contrast to compute. One of "t", for parametric, or "wilcox", for non-parametric test on equality in position.


indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of "two.sided", "greater" or "less". "greater" corresponds to positive association, "less" to negative association.


a numeric value specifying the null hypothesis for the test. For the "t" method, it is the difference in means. For the "wilcox" method, it is the difference in medians. The default value is 0.


a numeric value specifying the level of the confidence interval. The default value is 0.95.


the maximum p-value of a test for the pattern to be considered significant. If the p-value of the test is greater than max_p_value, the pattern is not included in the result.


(used for the "t" method only) a logical value indicating whether the variances of the two samples are assumed to be equal. If TRUE, the pooled variance is used to estimate the variance in the t-test. If FALSE, the Welch (or Satterthwaite) approximation to the degrees of freedom is used. See t.test() and its var.equal argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a logical value indicating whether the exact p-value should be computed. If NULL, the exact p-value is computed for sample sizes less than 50. See wilcox.test() and its exact argument for more information. Contrary to the behavior of wilcox.test(), the default value is FALSE.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a logical value indicating whether the continuity correction should be applied in the normal approximation for the p-value, if wilcox_exact is FALSE. See wilcox.test() and its correct argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a numeric value specifying the tolerance for the root-finding algorithm used to compute the exact p-value. See wilcox.test() and its tol.root argument for more information.


(used for the "wilcox" method only) a numeric value specifying the number of digits to round the ranks to. See wilcox.test() and its digits.rank argument for more information.


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


A tibble with found patterns in rows. The following columns are always present:


the condition of the pattern as a character string in the form {p1 & p2 & ... & pn} where p1, p2, ..., pn are x's column names.


the support of the condition, i.e., the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x.


the name of the first variable in the contrast.


the name of the second variable in the contrast.


the estimated difference of variable var.


the statistic of the selected test.


the p-value of the underlying test.


the number of rows in the sub-data corresponding to the condition.


the lower bound of the confidence interval of the estimate.


the upper bound of the confidence interval of the estimate.


a character string indicating the alternative hypothesis. The value must be one of "two.sided", "greater", or "less".


a character string indicating the method used for the test.


a character string with additional information about the test (mainly error messages on failure).

For the "t" method, the following additional columns are also present (see also t.test()):


the degrees of freedom of the t test.


the standard error of the mean difference.


Michal Burda

See Also

dig_baseline_contrasts(), dig_complement_contrasts(), dig(), dig_grid(), stats::t.test(), stats::wilcox.test()


# Compute ratio of sepal and petal length and width for iris dataset
crispIris <- iris
crispIris$Sepal.Ratio <- iris$Sepal.Length / iris$Sepal.Width
crispIris$Petal.Ratio <- iris$Petal.Length / iris$Petal.Width

# Create predicates from the Species column
crispIris <- partition(crispIris, Species)

# Compute paired contrasts for ratios of sepal and petal length and width
                              condition = where(is.logical),
                              xvars = Sepal.Ratio,
                              yvars = Petal.Ratio,
                              method = "t",
                              min_support = 0.1)

Obtain truth-degrees of conditions


Given a data frame or a matrix of truth values of predicates, compute truth values of given vector of conditions.


fire(x, condition, t_norm = "goguen")



a matrix or data frame. The matrix must be numeric (double) or logical. If x is a data frame then each column must be either numeric (double) or logical.


a character vector of conditions, each element as formatted by format_condition(). E.g., "{p1,p2,p3}" is a condition with three predicates "p1", "p2", and "p3". All predicates present in the condition must exist as column names in x.


a t-norm used to compute conjunction of weights. It must be one of "goedel" (minimum t-norm), "goguen" (product t-norm), or "lukas" (Lukasiewicz t-norm).


Each element of condition is a character string of the format "{p1,p2,p3}", where "p1", "p2", and "p3" are predicates. Data x must contain columns whose names correspond to all predicates used in conditions. Each condition is evaluated on all data rows as an elementary conjunction, where the conjunction operation is specified by the t_norm argument. An empty condition, {}, is always evaluated as 1.


A numeric matrix with values from the interval [0,1][0,1] indicating the truth values. The resulting matrix has nrow(x) rows and length(condition) columns. That is, a value on i-th row and j-th column corresponds to a truth value of j-th condition evaluated at i-th data row.


Michal Burda


d <- data.frame(a = c(  1, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2,   0),
                b = c(0.5,   1, 0.5,   0,   1),
                c = c(0.9, 0.9, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7))
fire(d, c("{a,c}", "{}", "{a,b,c}"))

Format a vector of predicates into a string with a condition


Function takes a character vector of predicates and returns a formatted condition. The format of the condition is a string with predicates separated by commas and enclosed in curly braces.





a character vector of predicates to be formatted


a character scalar with a formatted condition


Michal Burda


format_condition(NULL)              # returns {}
format_condition(c("a", "b", "c"))  # returns {a,b,c}

Tests if almost all values in a vector are the same.


Function tests if almost all values in a vector are the same. The function returns TRUE if the proportion of the most frequent value is greater or equal to the threshold argument.


is_almost_constant(x, threshold = 1, na_rm = FALSE)



a vector to be tested


a double scalar in the interval [0,1][0,1] that specifies the threshold for the proportion of the most frequent value


a flag indicating whether to remove NA values before testing the proportion of the most frequent value. That is, if na_rm is TRUE, the proportion is calculated from non-NA values only. If na_rm is FALSE, the proportion is calculated from all values and the value NA is considered as a normal value (i.e., too much NAs can make the vector almost constant too).


If x is empty or has only one value, the function returns TRUE. If x contains only NA values, the function returns TRUE. If the proportion of the most frequent value is greater or equal to the threshold argument, the function returns TRUE. Otherwise, the function returns FALSE.


Michal Burda


is_almost_constant(c(NA, NA, NA), na_rm = TRUE)
is_almost_constant(c(NA, NA, NA), na_rm = FALSE)
is_almost_constant(c(NA, NA, NA, 1, 2), threshold = 0.5, na_rm = FALSE)
is_almost_constant(c(NA, NA, NA, 1, 2), threshold = 0.5, na_rm = TRUE)

Check whether the given list of character vectors contains a list of valid conditions.


A valid condition is a character vector of predicates, where each predicate corresponds to some column name of the related data frame. This function checks whether the given list of character vectors x contains only such predicates that can be found in column names of given data frame data.


is_condition(x, data)



a list of character vector


a matrix or a data frame


Note that empty character vector is considered as a valid condition too.


a logical vector indicating whether each element of the list x contains a character vector such that all elements of that vector are column names of data


Michal Burda

See Also



d <- data.frame(foo = 1:5, bar = 1:5, blah = 1:5)
is_condition(list("foo"), d)
is_condition(list(c("bar", "blah"), NULL, c("foo", "bzz")), d)

Tests whether the given argument is a numeric value from the interval [0,1][0,1]


Tests whether the given argument is a numeric value from the interval [0,1][0,1]


is_degree(x, na_rm = FALSE)



the value to be tested


whether to ignore NA values


TRUE if x is a numeric vector, matrix or array with values between 0 and 1, otherwise, FALSE is returned. If na_rm is TRUE, NA values are treated as valid values. If na_rm is FALSE and x contains NA values, FALSE is returned.


Michal Burda

Determine whether the first vector is a subset of the second vector


Determine whether the first vector is a subset of the second vector


is_subset(x, y)



the first vector


the second vector


TRUE if x is a subset of y, or FALSE otherwise. x is considered a subset of y if all elements of x are also in y, i.e., if setdiff(x, y) is a vector of length 0.


Michal Burda

Convert character vector of conditions into a list of vectors of predicates


Function takes a character vector of conditions and returns a list of vectors of predicates. Each element of the list corresponds to one condition. The condition is a string with predicates separated by commas and enclosed in curly braces, as returned by format_condition(). The function splits the condition string into a vector of predicates.


parse_condition(..., .sort = FALSE)



character vectors of conditions to be parsed.


a flag indicating whether to sort the predicates in the result.


If multiple vectors of conditions are passed, each of them is processed separately and the result is merged into a single list element-wisely. If the lengths of the vectors are different, the shorter vectors are recycled.


a list of vectors of predicates with each element corresponding to one condition.


Michal Burda


parse_condition(c("{a}", "{x=1, z=2, y=3}", "{}"))
parse_condition(c("{b}", "{x=1, z=2, y=3}", "{q}", "{}"),
                c("{a}", "{v=10, w=11}",    "{}",  "{r,s,t}"))

Convert columns of data frame to Boolean or fuzzy sets (of triangular, trapezoidal, or raised-cosinal shape)


Convert the selected columns of the data frame into either dummy logical columns, or into membership degrees of fuzzy sets, while leaving the remaining columns untouched. Each column selected for transformation typically results in multiple columns in the output.


  .what = everything(),
  .breaks = NULL,
  .labels = NULL,
  .na = TRUE,
  .keep = FALSE,
  .method = "crisp",
  .right = TRUE,
  .span = 1,
  .inc = 1



the data frame to be processed


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to be transformed


optional other tidyselect expressions selecting additional columns to be processed


for numeric columns, this has to be either an integer scalar or a numeric vector. If .breaks is an integer scalar, it specifies the number of resulting intervals to break the numeric column to (for .method="crisp") or the number of target fuzzy sets (for .method="triangle" or ⁠.method="raisedcos⁠). If .breaks is a vector, the values specify the borders of intervals (for .method="crisp") or the breaking points of fuzzy sets.


character vector specifying the names used to construct the newly created column names. If NULL, the labels are generated automatically.


if TRUE, an additional logical column is created for each source column that contains NA values. For column named x, the newly created column's name will be x=NA.


if TRUE, the original columns being transformed remain present in the resulting data frame.


The method of transformation for numeric columns. Either "crisp", "triangle", or "raisedcos" is required.


If .method="crisp", this argument specifies if the intervals should be closed on the right (and open on the left) or vice versa.


The span of the intervals for numeric columns. If .method="crisp", this argument specifies the number of consecutive breaks in a single resulting interval. If .method="triangle" or .method="raisedcos", this argument specifies the number of breaks that should form the core of the fuzzy set, (i.e. where the membership degrees are 1). For .span = 1, the fuzzy set has a triangular shape with only a single value with membership equal to 1, for .span = 2, the fuzzy set has a trapezoidal shape.


how many breaks to move on to the right when creating the next column from a numeric column in x. In other words, if .inc = 1, all resulting columns are created (by shifting breaks by 1), if .inc = 2, the first, third, fifth, etc. columns are created, i.e., every second resulting column is skipped.


Transformations performed by this function are typically useful as a preprocessing step before using the dig() function or some of its derivatives (dig_correlations(), dig_paired_baseline_contrasts(), dig_associations()).

The transformation of selected columns differ based on the type. Concretely:

  • logical column x is transformed into pair of logical columns, x=TRUE andx=FALSE;

  • factor column x, which has levels l1, l2, and l3, is transformed into three logical columns named x=l1, x=l2, and x=l3;

  • numeric columnx is transformed accordingly to .method argument:

    • if .method="crisp", the column is first transformed into a factor with intervals as factor levels and then it is processed as a factor (see above);

    • for other .method (triangle or raisedcos), several new columns are created, where each column has numeric values from the interval [0,1][0,1] and represents a certain fuzzy set (either triangular or raised-cosinal). Details of transformation of numeric columns can be specified with additional arguments (.breaks, .labels, .right).

The processing of source numeric columns is quite complex and depends on the following arguments: .method, .breaks, .right, .span, and .inc.


A tibble created by transforming .data.

Crisp transformation of numeric data

For .method = "crisp", the numeric column is transformed into a set of logical columns where each column represents a certain interval of values. The intervals are determined by the .breaks argument.

If .breaks is an integer scalar, it specifies the number of resulting intervals to break the numeric column to. The intervals are obtained automatically from the source column by splitting the range of the source values into .breaks intervals of equal length. The first and the last interval are defined from the minimum infinity to the first break and from the last break to the maximum infinity, respectively.

If .breaks is a vector, the values specify the manual borders of intervals. (Infinite values are allowed.)

For .span = 1 and .inc = 1, the intervals are consecutive and non-overlapping. If .breaks = c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) and .right = TRUE, for example, the following intervals are considered: (1;3](1;3], (3;5](3;5], (5;7](5;7], (7;9](7;9], and (9;11](9;11]. (If .right = FALSE, the intervals are: [1;3)[1;3), [3;5)[3;5), [5;7)[5;7), [7;9)[7;9), and [9;11)[9;11).)

For .span > 1, the intervals overlap in .span breaks. For .span = 2, .inc = 1, and .right = TRUE, the intervals are: (1;5](1;5], (3;7](3;7], (5;9](5;9], and (7;11](7;11].

As can be seen, so far the next interval was created by shifting in 1 position in .breaks. The .inc argument modifies that shift. If .inc = 2 and .span = 1, the intervals are: (1;3](1;3], (5;7](5;7], and (9;11](9;11]. For .span = 2 and .inc = 3, the intervals are: (1;5](1;5], and (9;11](9;11].

Fuzzy transformation of numeric data

For .method = "triangle" or .method = "raisedcos", the numeric column is transformed into a set of columns where each column represents membership degrees to a certain fuzzy set. The shape of the underlying fuzzy sets is again determined by the .breaks argument.

If .breaks is an integer scalar, it specifies the number of target fuzzy sets. The breaks are determined automatically from the source data column similarly as in the crisp transformation described above.

If .breaks is a vector, the values specify the breaking points of fuzzy sets. Infinite values as breaks produce fuzzy sets with open borders.

For .span = 1, each underlying fuzzy set is determined by three consecutive breaks. Outside of these breaks, the membership degree is 0. In the interval between the first two breaks, the membership degree is increasing and in the interval between the last two breaks, the membership degree is decreasing. Hence the membership degree 1 is obtained for values equal to the middle break. This practically forms fuzzy sets of triangular or raised-cosinal shape.

For .span > 1, the fuzzy set is determined by four breaks. Outside of these breaks, the membership degree is 0. In the interval between the first and the second break, the membership degree is increasing, in the interval between the third and the fourth break, the membership degree is decreasing, and in the interval between the second and the third break, the membership degree is 1. This practically forms fuzzy sets of trapezoidal shape.

Similar to the crisp transformation, the .inc argument determines the shift of breaks when creating the next underlying fuzzy set.

Let .breaks = c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11). For .span = 1 and .inc = 1, the fuzzy sets are determined by the following triplets having effectively the triangular or raised-cosinal shape: (1;3;5)(1;3;5), (3;5;7)(3;5;7), (5;7;9)(5;7;9), and (7;9;11)(7;9;11).

For .span = 2 and .inc = 1, the fuzzy sets are determined by the following quadruplets: (1;3;5;7)(1;3;5;7), (3;5;7;9)(3;5;7;9), and (5;7;9;11)(5;7;9;11). These fuzzy sets have the trapezoidal shape with linear (if .method = "triangle") or cosine (if .method = "raisedcos") increasing and decreasing border-parts.

For .span = 1 and .inc = 3, the fuzzy sets are determined by the following triplets: (1;3;5)(1;3;5), and (7;9;11)(7;9;11) while skipping 2nd and 3rd fuzzy sets.

See the examples for more details.


Michal Burda


# transform logical columns and factors
d <- data.frame(a = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE),
                b = factor(c("A", "B", "A")),
                c = c(1, 2, 3))
partition(d, a, b)

# transform numeric columns to logical columns (crisp transformation)
partition(CO2, conc:uptake, .method = "crisp", .breaks = 3)

# transform numeric columns to triangular fuzzy sets:
partition(CO2, conc:uptake, .method = "triangle", .breaks = 3)

# transform numeric columns to raised-cosinal fuzzy sets
partition(CO2, conc:uptake, .method = "raisedcos", .breaks = 3)

# transform numeric columns to trapezoidal fuzzy sets overlapping in non-core
# regions so that the membership degrees sum to 1 along the consecutive fuzzy sets
# (i.e., the so-called Ruspini condition is met)
partition(CO2, conc:uptake, .method = "triangle", .breaks = 3, .span = 2, .inc = 2)

# complex transformation with different settings for each column
CO2 |>
    partition(Plant:Treatment) |>
              .method = "raisedcos",
              .breaks = c(-Inf, 95, 175, 350, 675, 1000, Inf)) |>
              .method = "triangle",
              .breaks = c(-Inf, 7.7, 28.3, 45.5, Inf),
              .labels = c("low", "medium", "high"))

Remove almost constant columns from a data frame


Function tests all columns that are specified by the .what argument and removes those that are almost constant. A column is considered almost constant if the proportion of the most frequent value is greater than the threshold specified by the .threshold argument. See is_almost_constant() for details.


  .what = everything(),
  .threshold = 1,
  .na_rm = FALSE,
  .verbose = FALSE



a data frame


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) selecting the columns to be processed


optional other tidyselect expressions selecting additional columns to be processed


a numeric scalar in the range [0,1][0, 1] specifying the threshold for the proportion of the most frequent value


a logical scalar indicating whether to remove NA values before computing the proportion of the most frequent value. See is_almost_constant() for details of how NA values are handled.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print a message about removed columns


A data frame with removed all columns specified by the .what argument that are also (almost) constant


Michal Burda

See Also



d <- data.frame(a1 = 1:10,
                a2 = c(1:9, NA),
                b1 = "b",
                b2 = NA,
                c1 = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 5),
                c2 = rep(c(TRUE, NA), 5),
                d = c(rep(TRUE, 4), rep(FALSE, 4), NA, NA))
remove_almost_constant(d, .threshold = 1.0, .na_rm = FALSE)
remove_almost_constant(d, .threshold = 1.0, .na_rm = TRUE)
remove_almost_constant(d, .threshold = 0.5, .na_rm = FALSE)
remove_almost_constant(d, .threshold = 0.5, .na_rm = TRUE)
remove_almost_constant(d, a1:b2, .threshold = 0.5, .na_rm = TRUE)

From a given list remove those elements that are not valid conditions.


A valid condition is a character vector of predicates, where each predicate corresponds to some column name of the related data frame. (An empty character vector is considered as a valid condition too.)


remove_ill_conditions(x, data)



a list of character vector


a matrix or a data frame


a list of elements of x that are valid conditions.


Michal Burda

See Also


Create a tibble of combinations of selected column names


xvars and yvars arguments are tidyselect expressions (see tidyselect syntax) that specify the columns of x whose names will be used as a domain for combinations.

If yvars is NULL, the function creates a tibble with one column var enumerating all column names specified by the xvars argument.

If yvars is not NULL, the function creates a tibble with two columns, xvar and yvar, whose rows enumerate all combinations of column names specified by the xvars and yvars argument.

It is allowed to specify the same column in both xvars and yvars arguments. In such a case, the combinations of the same column with itself are removed from the result.

In other words, the function creates a grid of all possible pairs (xx,yy)(xx, yy) where xxxvarsxx \in xvars, yyyvarsyy \in yvars, and xxyyxx \neq yy.


  xvars = everything(),
  yvars = everything(),
  allow = "all",
  xvar_name = if (quo_is_null(enquo(yvars))) "var" else "xvar",
  yvar_name = "yvar",
  error_context = list(arg_x = "x", arg_xvars = "xvars", arg_yvars = "yvars", arg_allow =
    "allow", arg_xvar_name = "xvar_name", arg_yvar_name = "yvar_name", call =



either a data frame or a matrix


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns of x, whose names will be used as a domain for combinations use at the first place (xvar)


NULL or a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns of x, whose names will be used as a domain for combinations use at the second place (yvar)


a character string specifying which columns are allowed to be selected by xvars and yvars arguments. Possible values are:

  • "all" - all columns are allowed to be selected

  • "numeric" - only numeric columns are allowed to be selected


the name of the first column in the resulting tibble.


the name of the second column in the resulting tibble. The column does not exist if yvars is NULL.


A list of details to be used in error messages. This argument is useful when var_grid() is called from another function to provide error messages, which refer to arguments of the calling function. The list must contain the following elements:

  • arg_x - the name of the argument x as a character string

  • arg_xvars - the name of the argument xvars as a character string

  • arg_yvars - the name of the argument yvars as a character string

  • arg_allow - the name of the argument allow as a character string

  • arg_xvar_name - the name of the xvar column in the output tibble

  • arg_yvar_name - the name of the yvar column in the output tibble

  • call - an environment in which to evaluate the error messages.


if yvars is NULL, the function returns a tibble with a single column (var). If yvars is a non-NULL expression, the function returns two columns (xvar and yvar) with rows enumerating all combinations of column names specified by tidyselect expressions in xvars and yvars arguments.


Michal Burda


# Create a grid of combinations of all pairs of columns in the CO2 dataset:

# Create a grid of combinations of all pairs of columns in the CO2 dataset
# such that the first, i.e., `xvar` column is `Plant`, `Type`, or
# `Treatment`, and the second, i.e., `yvar` column is `conc` or `uptake`:
var_grid(CO2, xvars = Plant:Treatment, yvars = conc:uptake)

Extract variable names from predicates


The function assumes that x is a vector of predicate names, i.e., a character vector with elements compatible with pattern ⁠<varname>=<value>⁠. The function returns the ⁠<varname>⁠ part of these elements. If the string does not correspond to the pattern ⁠<varname>=<value>⁠, i.e., if the equal sign (=) is missing in the string, the whole string is returned.





A character vector of predicate names.


A ⁠<varname>⁠ part of predicate names in x.


Michal Burda


var_names(c("a=1", "a=2", "b=x", "b=y")) # returns c("a", "a", "b", "b")

Return indices of first elements of the list, which are incomparable with preceding elements.


The function returns indices of elements from the given list x, which are incomparable (i.e., it is neither subset nor superset) with any preceding element. The first element is always selected. The next element is selected only if it is incomparable with all previously selected elements.


which_antichain(x, distance = 0)



a list of integerish vectors


a non-negative integer, which specifies the allowed discrepancy between compared sets


an integer vector of indices of selected (incomparable) elements.


Michal Burda